Welcome to Top Talent


We've created TopTalent platform in order to help players around the world to get the best opportunities they can get (better club, better representation, national team, etc.)
TopTalent is 100% free - it's free to register, to communicate, to sign a deal (no commissions!)
TopTalent is for everyone, everywhere

Sign Up, as player Sign Up, as scout

current stats

0 Connections
Scout-Player connections

New life changing opportunities are made each day
Scouts and Players from different countries or even different continents are checking the option for new collaboration

40+ Countries

TopTalent Highlights

how it works

Step 1

Each scout has a private working area. The scout can add players to a private short list by their playing skills (4 levels). Our two smart algorithms analyze these actions and offer potential players accordingly.

Step 2

The scout can request the player's email address.
If the player agrees to provide it, they both can communicate freely.

Step 3

There is a new collaboration (confirmed by both sides). The player will be added to the scout's players list for further actions if needed.

"Scout Me" Option

If the players fit the desired athletic requirements, they can introduce themselves to scouts by sending a 'Scout Me' request.

Features & screens